Monday, December 12, 2011

Some Principles When Buying Toys For Kids

Buying toys for kids ought to be suitable for any ages. Children with different ages, different physical and psychological characteristics require different toys such as RC toys, wooden toys and so on. When thinking about the age factor, children usually don't like toys that simple. However, toys with complex principles are beyond their understanding and activity ability so that such kinds of toys also have no educational function.

Pay a tiny attention to toys shapes, colors and art effect. In general, toys with vivid and pleasant figure can basically draw kid's attention. Simultaneously, gender factor ought to be thought about. For example, girls always like soft toys such as cloth dolls or stuffed animals while boys often like wooden gun, simulate tanks and so on.
toys for kids
Safety playing factor ought to be more important. The raw materials ought to be non-toxic. There is no sharp angle on the surface. Balls toys such as crystal balls, wooden balls ought to not be tiny to keep away from being swallowed by kids unexpectedly. The decibel of toys with volume like musical toys ought to not be over 70. According to research, toys with over 100 decibel may harmful to kid's hearing function. In addition, not to hang toys at a fixed position for a long time, otherwise children are likely to form strabismus habit.
Make sure that the toys ought to be neat, healthy, economical and long lasting. The color on toys ought to not be dropped basically and above all, color spread on toys ought to be non-toxic. Simultaneously, toys ought to be basically cleaned and you'd better neat and disinfect them regularly. Toys such as tiny horn, harmonica and other mouth touching ones ought to only be played by a single individual. Don't let children play with toys with fur because fur is basically to absorb dust in the air, which contains lots of bacteria so that harmful to babies health.
toys for kids

Toys ought to be played with lots of ways, not only limited by play process. Alter the combination to discover new ways so that to enrich kids combination. Pay attention to an idea that collective toys are different with individual. The number of collective toys types ought to not be more but the number of each kind of toys ought to be . As for toys that played by individual, other kids can participate in the group activities so that children are likely to communicate with other people in every day life.

Hopefully all the above information will help you with the best toys for kids of your own, now go and pick the best christmas toys for your kids ho ho ho ^_^

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